Saturday 24 August 2024

Sara wins the US newsquiz fizz

Trainees Sonya Gugliara, Sam Rutt, Sara McGiff 
(with the fizz), Lauren Acton-Taylor and Kelly Garino

I said farewell to the trainees in New York yesterday. They had a good final week with sessions by head of audience Rory Benson and SEO editor Katrina Schollenberger. Director of photography Jolie Novak and lawyer Cam Stracher delivered a media law session. The trainees covered a live breaking story, prepared news stories for their return to the newsroom and went through a final checklist. They presented story ideas to deputy Femail editor Raven Saunt and added to the three they already had published.

Sam Rutt came in on Monday telling how the roads in Long Island had been swept away and her family home had been seriously damaged. Her report, with stunning videos, is here

Sonya Gugliara's bizarre story on the man trying to resurrect cucumber as a culinary treat was run on Femail. Read it here

Also on Femail was Lauren Acton-Taylor's report on public marriage proposals … and what women really think of them. You can read it here

The trainees have written more stories, including three for health, two for news and one for sport, that will hopefully be published soon. On Thursday evening they had drinks with some of the senior staff at the Copper Still. We finished, as always with, the newsquiz ... 25 questions about the week. Sara McGiff and Lauren were the top scorers this week and Sara won the Chapel Down fizz for having the top score over the three weeks.

I really enjoyed my time with the trainees. They are a bright and enthusiastic bunch and I look forward to following their inevitable success. Below is the quiz. Give it a go and let me know your score.


1. What did Kamala Harris say 27 times before she began her speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night?
2. Who was presidential candidate Donald Trump referring to when he said: 'She is very nasty to me’?
3. In her speech to the DNC Kamala Harris said: 'In many ways, Donald Trump is an __ man but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely __’. What are the two missing words. 
4. At the Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama asked of Donald Trump: 'Who's going to tell him the job he's currently seeking might be one of those __ jobs?’ What is the missing word?
5. What is the name of Tim Walz’s 17-year-old son who broke down in tears as his dad spoke at the DNC?
6. Democrats rejected demands from demonstrators to allow someone representing what community to speak at the Democratic National Convention?
7. Which country music band were ripped for their ‘awful' rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner during the final night of the Democratic National Convention?
8. Who asked the crowd at the Democratic National Conference: 'Are y’all ready to reach a higher ground?' before launching into his song Higher Ground?
9. Donald Trump shared a post on Truth Social containing fake images of whose fans wearing t-shirts, suggesting they had voiced support for his re-election bid.
10. Which state launched an urgent manhunt for suspect Ronald Lee Syrvud, 66, who allegedly threatened to shoot Donald Trump?
11. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy said in Phoenix, Arizona: 'I would like everyone to know that I am not terminating my campaign, I am simply __ it and not ending it.’ What is the missing word?
12. According to a new book, who mused that Donald Trump 'must have some sort of arrangement' with his wife Melania?
13. Which former Republican congressman, is facing years in prison after pleading guilty to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft when he appeared in court in Central Islip, New York?
14. Seven bodies were found after the yacht Bayesian sunk off the coast of which island?
15. What was the name of the New York attorney, a partner at law firm Clifford Chance, who died when the yacht sank?
16. Actor Michael Madsen, who starred in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill films, was arrested on Saturday on a charge of what?
17. Two men were charged in Los Angeles with the murder of actor Johnny Wactor best known for playing Brando Corbin in which TV series?
18. The family of Theresa Garcia of Chicago, who died of cancer, won $45million in a court case which linked what product to her disease?
19. Two women drowned in a river after severe floods hit which US state?
20. Police are seeking a woman who hopped over a fence and jumped into what animal's enclosure at a New Jersey zoo?
21. Vice-presidential candidate JD Vance was videoed making an awkward appearance at what kind of shop in Georgia on Thursday?
22. Colorado Republican Brandi Bradley shamed her 15-year-old son's school for teaching kids that the Mona Lisa was what?
23. Who launched a $79-per bottle whiskey brand called SirDavis?
24. Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck, meaning she will have been divorced how many times?
25. Team USA soccer player Lynn Williams revealed that she had broken what while partying?

Answers here

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